Wednesday, April 14, 2010

10 Months/Easter/11 Months

10 Months
First Easter Egg Hunt

Family Easter Photo

First Royals Game of the Year

11 Months

Its been a busy couple of months around the Agre house. Luke is crawling and cruising all over the place. Its getting hard to keep up. The kid loves to eat. We can put almost anything in front of him and down it goes.

Easter weekend was very busy. We spent Saturday at the Johnson's with Ashley's family and then went to brunch on Sunday with Grammy, Papa, Mam and Grandpa. Unfortunately Mommy wasn't feeling very good, but we were still able to get an easter egg hunt in.

Last weekend we went to Luke's first Royals game of the year. Apparently he was watching everyone clap because the next morning he was clapping up a storm. Now anytime someone gets excited about something he will clap. Its pretty darn cute.

Luke is looking forward to his first birthday next month and all of the family and friends that he gets to see. He's been working on holding up one finger when you ask him how old he is going to be.