Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween! 12 Week Milestone

Today we are 12 weeks! I am hoping to wake up tomorrow feeling like a new woman. No more nausea, no more falling asleep while I am walking (who knew a person could be this tired?!) I know that this is not reality, but, it is nice to dream. I am ready to feel like myself a little bit again.

I have almost had all of my classes since the big announcement. They react in funny ways. I have received two high fives, been asked if we were trying, been asked if it is a boy or girl, been asked why we weren't finding out, been asked what my doctors name was so they could email the doctor and find out for themselves, where I am delivering, and many other things. Some really want to be involved, others, of course, could care less. They are just excited I won't be here for spring finals (I think they are under the assumption that they won't have to take them while I am gone, they are wrong).

I still am just in disbelief that Justin and I are going to be parents. I am so excited and anxious, but am having the time of my life. We are planning the nursery and getting the house ready. It is all just so much fun. I kind of feel like we are just playing house. I guess since we are one of the first of our friends to be having kids (okay guys, meet a man/woman and start having kids, ours will need a playmate!) that we don't really know what to expect of this life changing experience. I am so nervous that when the baby comes, we will lose contact with everyone and become "the old people". I know this will happen to a degree, but I also know that we have such wonderful friends, that they will still be around. Our baby is just going to have lots of "aunts" and "uncles"!

On another note, we need Grandparent names for Bob, Dena, John and Joyce! Any ideas?

Happy Halloween everybody!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

The happy (but already tired) couple!

Yay! No more secrets!

So as most of you know, we are having a baby!! We found out Sept. 14 2008. I told Justin by giving him some daddy books as a late birthday gift (his birtday was that Friday). We are both so excited (though I think the new aunties may be more excited). It has been so hard not telling the world, but last night I told my volleyball girls, and well, now the world knows. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders!

We have seen the heartbeat and get to hear it next Thursday. We are both REALLY looking forward to that! I think it will make it more real. Right now it feels very surreal!

Just so you all know, mark down May 15th, 2009. That is the due date (although if that really happens it will be a miracle!)