Wednesday, February 25, 2009

This is funny

My 6 week belly and my 28 week and 6 day belly. Things have changed a bit.

Friday, February 20, 2009


Here are a couple of pictures from the shower and my 27 week belly.

We are in the home stretch! 12 weeks to go! We learned that this week the baby begins to blink. :) Baby birthing classes began this last Tuesday. We learned a lot, most of it being pretty gross. But, now we know when to go to the hospital and that Justin better feed me before we get there. Our teacher probably said 50 times "husbands do NOT take your wife to the hospital without feeding her first". I hope we remember that (I won't forget! I love food!) Overall, it was an interesting evening. I am looking forward to the next 4 classes (especially the one on March 10th, Justin gets to wear the empathy belly. I will post pictures, don't you worry!)
Last weekend was also my first baby shower. It was wonderful! Jaclyn (my cousin who is due a week before me) and my Auntie M (yes, I have an Auntie M and she lives on a farm in Kansas) hosted it and Shellie, Macenzie, Noelle, Glenna and Brenda all came in town for it. It was family and coworkers. I think we are just about ready for the baby to get here. Everyone was so generous and we appreciate everything.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Double Digits! 99 Days!

We are 99 days from our due date!! Woo hoo!! It is getting so close. Went to the doctor on Tuesdays the heartbeat was 148. Baby is doing good. I also measured a little big, meaning that we will get to have an ultrasound soon to see how big the baby is. We are excited to see the little baby again!

I have been amazed at how many people come up to me and say "Wow, you are really big." I am not to the point yet where a rude comment comes out of my mouth, but I am just about there. Seriously, I am growing a child. My belly is going to be big. Also, I have no control over how big the baby is. It grows at it's own pace! Most of the time when someone says this, I just stare at them with a blank look on my face.

I am looking forward to this weekend! WARM WEATHER! We have a friend getting married tomorrow and who would have thought that on Feb. 6th, you would have a 70 degree wedding day? I am excited to not be shivering in my dress!

Have a great day everyone!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Baby Movement

It is amazing how much this baby is moving. Today during my plan period I sat and watched, what I can only assume, was the baby hiccuping. My belly would just "pop" a little every 15 seconds or so. It was pretty entertaining. Also, it has been kicking like crazy. Justin and I will sit and watch for 30 minutes in the evenings. The other night we went to the Davey's house (Justin's fraternity brother and a groomsman in the wedding) to play poker. They just had a baby on 1.9, Brooklyn, who is adorable. So, of course, I sat and held her all evening (she really is just SO cute!) and when I was holding her, our baby started kicking and kicked hard enough that Brooklyn's leg went up a little. It was funny. I let Brooklyn know that one day, since she is older, she can get revenge :) We have an appt. tomorrow, so I will post again after that. We are closing in on the thrid trimester! 15 weeks left to go (that also means 15 weeks until it is seriously spring!)