Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Baby Pictures

Here are the first baby pictures. It was so exciting to finally be able to see our baby. Its actually a little person in there and not just a blob. We're looking forward to another busy Christmas. Hope you all have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Justin, Ashley and Baby Agre

Monday, December 22, 2008

It's a surprise!!

Well, we had the ultrasound and didn't find out the sex of the baby. I want to be surprised and Justin was hoping that it would be real obvious. It wasn't. We couldn't have found out even if we wanted too. We apparently have a very stubborn baby. It had its legs crossed and tucked in, so we know it is a Mommy's child because it knew my wishes (we had talked about this, the baby and I, on not making it obvious today!) The tech was trying to move it to get all of the pictures she needed, but Baby was not having it. It just would wave it's arm. Everything looks good. She did end up getting everything, which involved a lot of pushing and prodding, but it happened and everything is wonderful. She even told us it was cute, we thought that was nice since all babies probably look alike at this point. It does look like it will continue on the tradition of Justin and my huge nostrils, we are so proud.

We are pretty much on cloud nine right now. It seems much more real. Now if it would quit being so comfortable in it's little position and move around a little bit, everything would be wonderful!

Happy 3 days until Christmas!!!!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

Sorry it has been so long! Justin and I went to the doctor last week and heard the heartbeat again. The baby's heart rate was 145. If you believe the old wives tale, then it is most likly going to be a girl. We could find out Monday at our ultrasound (we are SO excited!), but I still want it to be a surprise! I will put little baby pictures on here as soon as we get them. Miss you all and wish we could spend the holidays with everyone!!!!

This is the 19 week belly!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

It's Growing!!!

14 Weeks
10 Weeks

6 Weeks

We finally got a computer that is easy to use so I can upload the photos of my growing belly.
I just cannot rotate them. I will work on that!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Reasons I love this time of year!

So, like I said in a previous post, I LOVE this time of year. Here are some reasons why:
  • Sweater Weather
  • Christmas Music
  • Twinkling Lights
  • Good Food
  • Lots and Lots of Family Time
  • Laughter
  • 14 foot Christmas Trees
  • The Smells
  • Department Store Decorations
  • Fires in the fireplace
  • Christmas Vacation
  • "Merry Christmas. Sh**er's full!" (Christmas Vacation, the movie)
  • White Christmas, the movie
  • The Carpenters, Neil Diamond, The Chipmunks, and Hanson Christmas Albums!
  • "Are there any more presents for Allison?"
  • Christmas Morning Breakfast Burritos
  • Monkey Bread
  • Mashed Potatoes
  • Yeast Rolls
  • Santa
  • Cheese Ball
  • Fondue
  • Fredricksburg
  • Karoke
  • Pop-a-top
  • Golf Carts
  • Romeo and Juliet (I teach it this time of year, and it really just makes this my favorite time of year!)

These are all, plus many more, things that make me smile. Happy Holidays everyone!! Last full week before Thanksgiving!!! Love you!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Now I am probably going to jinx myself...

But I am really feeling good. It is amazing how different I feel from one day to the next! Yay for feeling good!!

I also decided today that I am homeschooling. I was listening to some of my students discuss their recreational activities today during seminar and I was shocked. I am locking up my child!

I also just wanted to let everyone know what a wonderful/caring/loving husband I have. He has been wonderful since day one!

Friday, November 7, 2008

There really is something living inside of me!!!

We went to the doctor yesterday and heard a heartbeat!! 158 beats per minute. It is so strange to know that there is a little person living inside of me! Crazy! I have also developed migraines. What a pleasant side effect. My first one started at 3:30 am and I laid there until 5:30 am trying to will it away. My amazing brain powers didn't work, so, being in the reasonable state I was in, decided I was dying. I woke Justin up and he said (I am quoting this directly) "Oh I am so sorry. That sucks" and then rolled over. Thank you Justin for saving me in my dying state. I then realized that Tylenol might help. So I got up, took some, and decided I was not in a teaching frame of mind. I took a sick day and watched Travel Channel and baby shows all day. Would have been a great day if I had been feeling good. Oh well, it is all worth it in the end!!!

I am also really excited for this time of year! I know that after January 5th, I will be super depressed because it will be cold and the holidays will be over, but I am really looking forward to the next two months. Last night Trans Siberian Orchestral had a Christmas Special on KCPT, and I watched it. It was all Christmas music. It really made me look forward to all of the family time we will be having. I cannot wait to get to the Ranch especially. I know how much the whole family enjoys being there and all of the wonderful people that we only get to see when we go there! This year will be great too because the Cousin's are going! Yay!

Well, enjoy this cold blustery Friday!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

"I Voted"

Justin and I got up at 5:30 this morning to vote. We got to our polling location at 6:40 and were out of the parking lot by 7:01. It only took us 21 minutes to vote. Thought that was pretty good.

I think it is pretty cool to be able to tell our child that, no matter what the outcome, it was "involved" in the historical 2008 election!

Don't forget to vote today!

Monday, November 3, 2008


So, I have always been a big fan of food. I watch a lot of food network and try to get Justin to take me out as much as possible. The word like doesn't do justice to how much I like food. I LOVE food. It can be a problem, but since I am pregnant, I figure I get to eat just a little bit more. I am not using that whole "eating for two" thing, but I know that it is not good if I am ever hungry. I also, in my crazy mind, have this belief that the baby is getting a little taste of everything I eat, so I might as well make the experience as enjoyable as possible since once it is born it is getting milk and pulverized veggies. Poor thing. So, why am I writing this post. I think the food thing is becoming a problem. That is all I think about. I just want to eat all the time (when I don't feel like I am going to throw up). Last night, Mom made fried chicken, mashed potatoes (I had a baked), corn, gravy, bread, and peach pie. It was basically amazing. That is the problem. I am still thinking about it. I am depressed at my lunch today, because I want the calorie laden meal I had last night. Isn't that sad? I think so! So, while I am depressing myself, I thought I would fill you all in on things that sound good today.

Baked potato (I could eat this for every meal!)
Fried Rice
Hot Summer Rolls (sushi)
Crab Legs
5 guys burgers and fries cheeseburger (it is SO greasy)
Chips and Salsa

If I had my way, this is what I would eat today. But I don't, so instead I am having prepackaged alfredo and yogurt for lunch and chili for dinner.

Just thought I would share. Don't you love random thoughts?

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween! 12 Week Milestone

Today we are 12 weeks! I am hoping to wake up tomorrow feeling like a new woman. No more nausea, no more falling asleep while I am walking (who knew a person could be this tired?!) I know that this is not reality, but, it is nice to dream. I am ready to feel like myself a little bit again.

I have almost had all of my classes since the big announcement. They react in funny ways. I have received two high fives, been asked if we were trying, been asked if it is a boy or girl, been asked why we weren't finding out, been asked what my doctors name was so they could email the doctor and find out for themselves, where I am delivering, and many other things. Some really want to be involved, others, of course, could care less. They are just excited I won't be here for spring finals (I think they are under the assumption that they won't have to take them while I am gone, they are wrong).

I still am just in disbelief that Justin and I are going to be parents. I am so excited and anxious, but am having the time of my life. We are planning the nursery and getting the house ready. It is all just so much fun. I kind of feel like we are just playing house. I guess since we are one of the first of our friends to be having kids (okay guys, meet a man/woman and start having kids, ours will need a playmate!) that we don't really know what to expect of this life changing experience. I am so nervous that when the baby comes, we will lose contact with everyone and become "the old people". I know this will happen to a degree, but I also know that we have such wonderful friends, that they will still be around. Our baby is just going to have lots of "aunts" and "uncles"!

On another note, we need Grandparent names for Bob, Dena, John and Joyce! Any ideas?

Happy Halloween everybody!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

The happy (but already tired) couple!

Yay! No more secrets!

So as most of you know, we are having a baby!! We found out Sept. 14 2008. I told Justin by giving him some daddy books as a late birthday gift (his birtday was that Friday). We are both so excited (though I think the new aunties may be more excited). It has been so hard not telling the world, but last night I told my volleyball girls, and well, now the world knows. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders!

We have seen the heartbeat and get to hear it next Thursday. We are both REALLY looking forward to that! I think it will make it more real. Right now it feels very surreal!

Just so you all know, mark down May 15th, 2009. That is the due date (although if that really happens it will be a miracle!)