Sunday, March 22, 2009

32 Weeks!!!

Here is my 32 week belly, Bella with her hair cut, and cupcakes from the best place ever!!!
Like Justin said in the previous post, they may move my due date up 2 weeks. I am hoping so! If this baby is already almost 5 pounds and is going to gain a 1/2 pound a week from here on out, that will be a big baby.
Spring Break is over today; I have to go back to work tomorrow. I have had a wonderful Spring Break!! I had a mani, pedi, prenatal massage (any pregnant woman needs one of these!), hung out with friends and watched basketball. The weather has been phenomenal and KU has been winning. Can't ask for more.
I hope you all have a wonderful day!!!

Friday, March 20, 2009

It Has The Agre Cheeks

We had another ultrasound and Dr.'s appointment today. They are estimating that the baby is weighing about 4 pounds, 13 ounces right now. It should be right at 4 pounds at this point. So they are telling us we are probably 2 weeks ahead of schedule. They told us that the measurements are all in the 82nd percentile and if it ever reaches the 90th percentile, thats when they will start talking about making sure we go early.

You can tell by the new pictures that it definately has the Agre cheeks. It was being stubborn and not giving us many good shots, but we got a decent look at its chubby little face.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

I Passed!!!!!!!!

I passed the 3 hour glucose test! Looks like ice cream and cookies for lunch!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

"You can't go wrong with alcohol"

Another great quote from our baby class teacher. She was talking about cleaning the umbilical cord. Not going to lie, I laughed pretty hard.

Last night was the last class. We are now ready to have a baby! Last night we learned all about swaddling and The Happiest Baby on the Block. We also watched a nice video about what the baby's first bowel movements should look like. Gross. Justin gets to change that diaper! I kept all of the handouts, because I know when this child starts screaming and won't stop, I am not going to remember to swaddle it, lay it on it's side, lightly jiggle it (not shake it, don't worry, it is not a rough jiggle, you are just barely moving your hand) and say shhhhhh REALLY loud. That is how you get the happiest baby on the block. We will see if it works. She also told us that if the baby is screaming and won't stop, that she will come over. No matter what time. I am holding her to it!

I am kind of sad that they are over. I really enjoyed that time with Justin and other expectant couples. It was fun.

I had my 3 hour the other day. I have nice bruises in both elbow creases from the 4 times they took my blood. It wasn't too bad, but by the end I was so tired and hungry. Plus, I still don't know the results. Boo.

We have another doctor's appt. on Friday. We get to see the baby!! Yay!

Have a great day everyone!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

"Push like you are trying to pee on the opposite wall"

That is what our teacher said tonight at class about how to push. I don't think I will ever forget it!

We got a tour of Labor and Delivery tonight. It was nice to get in a room and snoop around a bit before the big day. We found out that the bed does all sorts of tricks, that there is a kitchen for Justin to get food, that there is a kitty channel on the tv that just shows creepy pictures of cats, and that there are spot lights that focus on your lady parts. Lovely. Our teacher got in the bed, in all different pushing positions, and showed us how to push. It was very interesting.

My favorite part of the evening was Justin wearing the empathy belly. She made the guys lay on the ground and roll over staying on "their side of the bed", pick up a pen off the floor, and tie their shoe. It was hilarious. As soon as she strapped it on them (by the way, they had to sign a waiver for this) they all commented on how heavy it was. I am glad Justin now has some idea of what it is like to carry around this extra weight on the front. I want him to experience the whole pregnancy :) Here are a couple of pictures. One of our "belly" picture at 30 weeks 4 days and one of just Justin!

Have a great day!

Monday, March 9, 2009

I'm a failure

Well, I failed the one hour glucose screening. That means I get to spend the first day of my spring break at the doctors office getting my blood drawn every hour for three hours. I'm excited. They want the glucose level under 130, mine was 157. Apparently that is pretty high. Boo. I am predicting failure for the three hour also. I guess it is better to know so that we don't let the baby get too big!! Also, they told me I am anemic, so I have to start taking an iron supplement. They were just full of good news.

On the plus side, the baby has been moving a lot the last couple of days. It has been fun to watch my belly move!

Make sure you check the blog on Wed. Tomorrow night is our 4th baby class, that means Justin gets to wear the empathy belly!! I will have pictures!

Have a great day everyone!

Friday, March 6, 2009


So my favorite girl name ever is Madalyn. Obviously if we have a girl, that will be her name, but I cannot decide how I want to spell what we will call her.
Madi Agre
Maddy Agre
Maddie Agre
Mady Agre
There are so many options. I thought I liked Madi Agre until today. Now I think I like Maddy Agre. I just don't know. Who knows, maybe it will be a boy. Then we have to decide between Luke or Mason. Decisions Decisions Decisions!

We are going to Red Lobster tonight! Be jealous!!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

10 weeks left! Lalalala!!!

We had our last monthly appointment today, we move to every two weeks at this point. The baby's heart rate was 140 and it was measuring right at 30 weeks. Perfect.

I have had some pain in my upper left quadrant (right under my ribs). It had hurt for about 3 weeks, but only in the evenings. But last Wed. night it started hurting all of the time. I called the doctor and told them that I thought that maybe I had just bruised a rib from being kicked (I forgot to mention to the nurse on the phone that I was pregnant, she asked if my students were kicking me. It was pretty funny.) but that it hurt all of the time now, so I wasn't sure if that was it. I went in on Thursday and the Physicians Assistant told me that my diaphragm was spasming and gave me a muscle relaxer. That didn't help. So when we went back for our appt. today, I talked to my doctor about it and she wanted to make sure that it wasn't my spleen. So off Justin and I go to the hospital to have a sonogram done on my abdomen. I laid on the table for a while while the man had me hold my breath and roll from side to side while he was looking around at my insides. Didn't find anything. So, in the end, we still don't know what is causing the pain. I am sticking with a bruised rib or something. It is comforting to know that my insides look good :) Justin and I then had Mexican food and enjoyed the 80 degree weather. All in all, it was a fantastic day!

We go back on the 20th for an ultrasound and appt. I cannot believe how close we are getting. We started at 40ish weeks and now we are down to 10! I am getting really excited!!

Have a great day everybody!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tuesday Night Chocolate Malts

Every Tuesday night Justin and I have baby class. Tonight we learned about epidurals. The important thing to remember about epidurals is that you have to have your lab work done and have had a full bag of fluid. Don't forget that! But my favorite part is on the way home we go to Sonic. I get a small chocolate malt and Justin gets a Butterfinger Blast with extra Butterfinger. It is just so nice that we get to have this time together before the baby gets here. We are both excited, so excited, for the baby to get here, but I know that this quiet time that we have just the two of us will be gone for awhile.

No sugar for me tomorrow. Thursday is my glucose test. Send good thoughts my way that I don't have gestational diabetes!

Have a great day! Enjoy the warming weather!