Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Baby Pictures

Here are the first baby pictures. It was so exciting to finally be able to see our baby. Its actually a little person in there and not just a blob. We're looking forward to another busy Christmas. Hope you all have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Justin, Ashley and Baby Agre

Monday, December 22, 2008

It's a surprise!!

Well, we had the ultrasound and didn't find out the sex of the baby. I want to be surprised and Justin was hoping that it would be real obvious. It wasn't. We couldn't have found out even if we wanted too. We apparently have a very stubborn baby. It had its legs crossed and tucked in, so we know it is a Mommy's child because it knew my wishes (we had talked about this, the baby and I, on not making it obvious today!) The tech was trying to move it to get all of the pictures she needed, but Baby was not having it. It just would wave it's arm. Everything looks good. She did end up getting everything, which involved a lot of pushing and prodding, but it happened and everything is wonderful. She even told us it was cute, we thought that was nice since all babies probably look alike at this point. It does look like it will continue on the tradition of Justin and my huge nostrils, we are so proud.

We are pretty much on cloud nine right now. It seems much more real. Now if it would quit being so comfortable in it's little position and move around a little bit, everything would be wonderful!

Happy 3 days until Christmas!!!!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

Sorry it has been so long! Justin and I went to the doctor last week and heard the heartbeat again. The baby's heart rate was 145. If you believe the old wives tale, then it is most likly going to be a girl. We could find out Monday at our ultrasound (we are SO excited!), but I still want it to be a surprise! I will put little baby pictures on here as soon as we get them. Miss you all and wish we could spend the holidays with everyone!!!!

This is the 19 week belly!