Thursday, April 30, 2009

My Seminar Baby Shower

My wonderful seminar students (and co-teacher) threw me a surprise baby shower on Friday. Not only did we have wonderful cake, but they got me a children's book and all signed the inside where they wrote "We hope you like to read with your Mom as much as we do!" So cute!

Jenna and Andrew with the baby (oh no! my head got cut off!)
I loved my cake! Yes, come out Baby Agre!!!!!

The kids and I. Aren't they just adorable?

The Nursery is DONE! (except for the baby's name above the crib)

The changing table with a Shakespeare quote above it :)
Justin and I at 4 months, we will frame these with a picture of our little one in the middle

The bookcase

The toy corner

Crib and glider

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Yesterday at the appt. the baby's heart rate was 144, very good. However, I haven't made any progress in the last two weeks! Sad! I just have to be patient, but it is getting really difficult!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Home Today

I couldn't sleep at all last night. I just tossed and turned. I can't get comfortable. I am ready for the baby to be here.

So, I realized something just now. You all know how much I love food! Well, after the baby is here I don't think that I can excuse myself for eating fried rice and ice cream for breakfast (I know Mom, there is no protein in either of those things). I am not going to lie, it was really good. I also decided that I love Drumstick Ice Cream, it is the best of both worlds! You get the ice cream cone without the mess. Genius!

To continue on the food topic, we went to Bristol on Friday night for my birthday! It was SO good! Justin had told them it was my birthday, so the table was all decorated with confetti and the silverware was tied with ribbon, it was really cute. The funniest part of the whole night is when they brought out these two little dishes with what was thought to be ice cream with a candle in each dish. Justin and I each took a bite and quickly realized that it was not in fact ice cream, but honey butter. Not to say it was bad tasting, just a surprise. The waiter then informed us of the contents of the dishes. Thank you, 2 seconds too late. I did have shrimp, scallops, a crab cake and lobster bisque. Tasty!!

Well, I should get some grading done. We are getting down to the wire and I have very little motivation! I just want the baby here! I am anxious! Is it a boy or girl? I want to know!!!

Have a great day everyone!
(I would like to dedicate this to Joyce F., who I impressed with my food consumption at Garozzos a couple of weeks ago!)

Sunday, April 19, 2009

4.4.09 Shower Pictures!

A wonderful shower hosted by Sheryl and Trudy!! Thank you!!

The cake table
Cute little onesises hanging by the gifts

Mom, Allison and I

Adorable!! (and tasty!)

My surprise guests, Christy and Jameson!!!!!!

34 and 36 Week Belly

34 Week Belly 36 Week Belly
Doesn't look like much change, but feels like it!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wow! A lot to tell!

Sorry it has been so long since I have updated last! We have been busy!
  • First things first: We had our appt. yesterday. Heartbeat was 143 and I am a fingertip dilated!! Woo woo for progress! The baby is still measuring ahead. I have also been having Braxton Hicks contractions today. I haven't really felt them before, but my belly keeps really tightening up today. It is strange.
  • The nursery is all done except for a wall quote and the baby's name above the crib (which we cannot do until it is here!) I will post pictures later!
  • I had an amazing shower on the 4th! It started with a surprise visit from Christy, Jameson, and Jeremy. I was SO happy to see them! SO happy!! They were here for the weekend and I was amazed at how well Jameson is doing. The last time I saw the little guy he was in the NICU and we couldn't even touch him. The shower that afternoon was awesome! Got to see lots of people, who were once again way to generous to us!
  • Allison, Molly, Breanna, Rockers and I all went to the Britney Spears concert. Say what you want, but it was great! One of the best shows I have ever seen. At 8 months pregnant I felt like I fit right in with the crowd :) We had a ton of fun, ate really good food (Peachtree in P&L, so tasty!), and sang our little hearts out.
  • Sand Volleyball has started. I am sad that I cannot play. Soon though, very soon!
  • I am so excited with how close we are getting! 4 weeks MAX until this baby is here! Yay!

I will post some pictures soon! Have a great day everybody!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

34 Weeks

Well, the baby is getting ready for it's second concert tonight. Last time was Rascal Flatts, tonight is BRITNEY!!!! I am so excited!!

We had our appt. today. Baby is still measuring big, but the doctor did not move my due date. She did say that she probably won't let me go past it. That was good. The heart rate was 136.

I feel like my belly is expanding by the second. I do have stretch marks now, sad :( I guess it is just part of the job. I can feel the baby on the outside of my belly as well. Like I can feel its little booty sticking out. That is fun!

Have a great day everyone!